加拿大驻华大使馆公使JAMES STAFFORD NICKEL携夫人一行来访我院

2022-07-27 18:34 作者: 奉延旗 钟峰 蔡虎志

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7月21日下午,加拿大驻华大使馆公使JAMES STAFFORD NICKEL携夫人FRANCE VIENS一行访问我院。

JAMES NICKEL和夫人曾于1987年至1988年期间在湖南中医药大学担任英语教师,之后他加入加拿大外交部,自2018年起出任加拿大驻华大使馆公使。

JAMES NICKEL在我院国际医疗部、针灸推拿康复科、大学国际交流与合作处等相关部门人员的陪同下,一行来到了医院,参观了针灸推拿康复科病房、湖湘针推流派陈列室和湘中医国际医疗中心,并亲自体验了针灸推拿,对中医针灸推拿的神奇疗效赞不绝口。

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JAMES NICKEL与1987级英语班学生代表一起,饱含深情地回忆了当年在长沙的教学和生活点滴,表示那段生活是其职业生涯中最美好的回忆,赞叹中国日新月异的发展和变化。在听取了关于医院国际医疗部和国家中医药特色服务出口基地的相关工作介绍后,他对医院的中医国际化相关工作表示肯定,并深切期待医院能够推动中医药走入加拿大、走向世界。

JAMES STAFFORD NICKEL from Canadian Embassy in China visited ourhospital

On the afternoon of July 21, JAMES STAFFORD NICKEL from Canadian Embassy in China visited ourhospital. From 1987 to 1988, JAMES NICKEL and his wife FRANCE VIENS worked as English teachers inHunanuniversity of Chinesemedicine. After that, he joined theDepartment of External Affairs in Canada and assumed the responsibility of Deputy Head of Mission at the Canadian Embassy in China in 2018.

JAMES NICKEL visited theacupuncture andTiunarehabilitationdepartmentof the firsthospital of Hunanuniversity of Chinese Medicineand experienced acupuncture and massage.He was full of praise for the magical effect of acupuncture and massage inour hospital.

JAMES NICKEL fondly recalled the teaching and life in1987-1988. He praised the rapid development and earth-shaking changesof Changsha. He said that being an English teacher in Hunan University of Chinese Medicine was the best experience in his career, and hewas deeply impressed by the extensive and profound Chinese medicine culture.Afterheard about theintroductionoftheinternationalmedicaldepartment of the hospital and thenationalexport servicebase of Chinese medicine, he affirmed the relevant work of the hospital on the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine, and deeply expected the hospital to promote traditional Chinese medicine into Canada and the world.