
微信预约  Make an Appointment in WeChat

1☞ 关注“湖南中医药大学第一附属医院”微信公众号

Follow the official account of “The FirstHospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine”


2☞ 选择左下“导诊”——选择“国际医疗部”

Click “Guidance” –Click “International Medical Department”



     平台一:提前六天  上午6点--就诊前一天晚上9点

     平台二:提前七天  上午8点--就诊前一天下午5点

    平台三:提前七天  上午8点--就诊前一天下午5点

温馨提示  Tips

1. 国际医疗部可预约未来一周医生号源,预约成功后,将提前一天通过手机信息方式通知您看诊时间及地点,请注意保持手机畅通。

1. The International Medical Department can reserve a doctor’s number for the coming week. After a successful appointment, youwill be notified of the time and location by mobile phone message one day inadvance, so please keep your mobile phone connected.

2. 请于就诊时间段提前15分钟到达就诊地点,持有效证件(身份证、护照、商业保险卡等)到达门诊二楼国际医疗部预约台办理相关就诊手续。 2. Please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment and bringyour valid ID (ID card, passport, business insurance card, etc.) to theappointment desk of International Medical Department on the second floor of theOutpatient Department for the relevant procedures.


3. If you are unable to come for any reason, please make sure to cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance, and your appointment number will be automatically invalidated if you are late. (You need to cancel your appointment 48 hours in advance if you make an appointment with Professor Xiong Jibai, You Zhaoling or Zhang Di)